Joining Boys Club
I’m certain I have an experience similar to many women when it comes to the ‘crypto’ world. My husband and his friends and my all-male team of co-workers 5 years ago all were on the forefront of buying bitcoin when it was first getting a lot of buzz. I thought, why risk my money when my boyfriend (now husband) was already in the space. So I stuck to traditional stocks and figured if he hit it big, then I would technically as well. When it was at an all time high I bought a couple Litecoin which then proceeded to drop aggressively, which put a bad taste in my mouth about crypto for a few years and I mostly stopped paying attention to it.
Fast forward to the pandemic... I was and still am missing community engagement and meeting people IRL after going fully remote. I was hitting up girls left and right to grab coffee and by some chance met Deana, who at the time was the co-founder of this really cool travel company called AllCall. We connected on our shared experience in the marketing industry, love of travel and overall sense of entrepreneurship. AllCall shortly got bought a few months later and Deana and I stayed in touch, I saw her posting about a new project of hers called Boys Club and was immediately interested.
The Boys Club instagram has an amazing aesthetic, feeling both very welcoming and inclusive as well as funny and easy to understand. It got me to open the door to learning more about crypto again. The short bite sized clips of definitions of weird jargon like ‘web3’ and ‘daos’ and ‘defi’ as they could be related to pop culture immediately got me thinking ‘ok, I kind of get this’. When they announced their first event back in November 2021 as an intimate dinner where you don’t have to know anything about crypto but could come meet some great women and learn together, I was in.
That first event was beyond incredible. About 30 women, all drinking wine and eating Mediterranean food while 4 panelists answered our questions. It was easy because we could either raise our hands or just text into a phone number anonymously. I met so many great girls that night, some working in crypto full time (still a shock to me) and some who had never heard of blockchain before. Everyone was extremely humble and eager to share what they do and learn from each other. It was the most incredible night and I was buzzing about it for days, I finally felt ready to dive in. From the first event Deana and Natasha the co-founders launched the boys club website that has a really easy to follow lesson plan. It took me a week or two but finally I dove in and started the process of Lessons 1-6. Some are definitely more complicated than others but luckily the group had launched a telegram - now moved to discord - where you could always ask questions about any steps you got stuck on.
The discord has become such an eclectic space where women from all over the world keep joining and now there are threads for many major cities, there are constantly un-official events happening, I got the pleasure of getting together a group of girls in Miami for dinner where again I was so pleasantly surprised by the attitudes of these women who were just here to help each other and make new friends and grow.
I’ve been working for nearly a decade at start ups, huge corporations, and boutique agencies and I’ve never met as many successful and amazing people as I have through joining boys club and there’s only been 2 official events. I can confidently say that by the second event I was able to help my non-crypto friend by answering questions before the panelists even chimed in. The amount my knowledge has grown is pretty astonishing given that I’ve been having so much fun along the way, I really didn’t think it could all go hand in hand. If you’re hesitant about crypto or don’t want to spend more time looking at screens, I understand you and felt the same way. The most important takeaway is that crypto isn’t going anywhere, web3 is here to stay, and there will be opportunities to shape and mold it to fit our everyday life in ways we can’t even imagine yet. I’m so excited about this world and if you have any questions about boys club or web3 in general please reach out!